Today is International Women’s Day. I want to take the time out to thank all the phenomenal women who have blessed me in front of my lens. Clergy, Models, Teachers, Pilots, Lawyers, Police Officers, Restaurant Managers, Entertainers, Entrepreneurs, Artists, Performers, Beauty Professionals, Cancer Fighters and Survivors, Actors, Photographers, Brides, Motivational Speakers and many more. I want to say THANK YOU!

The Fab 5 of the USCG, (L to R): LT C. Lee, LCDR L. Holmes, LCDR J. Menze, LT A. Hughes, LT R. Russell.
Image Courtesy of L. Holmes
For over a hundred years, International Women’s Day has been a moment where the equal treatment of women has been championed and the women’s achievements have been celebrated. In the past 30 years I have seen so many changes and improvements for women from the military to corporate America. From 3 and 4 star admirals (Tracey, Braun, Howard) to my close friend, ‘Shanda, the first black female rotary pilot in the USCG.
I remember going through flight school with LCDR La’Shanda Holmes 10 years ago when she told me there was only one other black female pilot in the Coast Guard at the time. I was like, 2009, and we’re still making firsts? This hit home again last month when I saw ‘Shanda post about her colleague, LT Ronaqua Russell became the first African American female aviator to receive the Air Medal. To further put this in perspective. In the United State’s oldest continuous seagoing service, there have only been five Black Female pilots and they are pictured to the right.
History is always in the making.
Thank you to the well known and the unknown heroines that exist every day. Thank you to all of my clients who continuously entrust me with their memories. I wouldn’t still be here with out all of you.
Please enjoy just a fraction of some of my amazing subjects.
Bonus: For the month of March 2019, leave a comment and mention this blog post and receive 20% off of any service that is reserved this month.