PHOTOGRAPHERS: When Did We Become So Lazy?
Right now we have the most access to information and knowledge than ever before. If I want to know about the inverse square law, I can look at my phone and say "Ok Google, explain inverse square law to me" and BOOM, thousands of links come up. If I want to know about guide numbers, BOOM, Google strikes again and tells me. Not only can I know more, it costs LESS to even start in the game, because we have the best technology available than ever before, with an extremely low barrier to entry.
I just got a little more social!
See my most recent Tweets and 'Grams right from the Director's Cut page!
For those of you who use Instagram or Twitter, and are like me, you probably follow hundreds of folks. I know I follow these folks, because I really want to see what they have to say and show. Unfortunately because of busy schedules, and multiple postings, I sometimes miss some REALLY great tweets and grams. I bet you are probably like me, so guess what?
On the Director's Cut page, you will see my own personal direct feeds from Twitter and Instagram! And if you are not already following me, feel free and add me. I would love to see what inspires you as well!
Hope you enjoy!