Treasure Beach — The Blog of Leighton DaCosta, Photographer — Leighton DaCosta | Photographer

Treasure Beach

A Treasured Sunset

Sunset in Treasure Beach, Jamaica

Sunset in Treasure Beach, Jamaica

On a recent trip to Jamaica, I captured this beautiful sunset. There is something calming about a sunset. I have always felt that sunrises equal hope, and sunsets equal peace. I have always loved the peacefulness that comes with sunsets that not only take your breath way, but make you pause, and enjoy. 




Model Session in Jamaica with Roseann

Model: Roseann LawrenceHair and Makeup: Roseann LawrenceStyling: Leighton DaCostaPhotographer: Leighton DaCosta

Model: Roseann Lawrence
Hair and Makeup: Roseann Lawrence
Styling: Leighton DaCosta
Photographer: Leighton DaCosta

What can I say? There are times when being a photographer allows you to work with people all around the world, who make even a bad day, feel like you are living a life better than you deserve! The last time I had been to the Caribbean island of Jamaica was right around 1990, when going to boarding school at Knox Preparatory School in Spaldings, Clarendon. Over two decades elapsed, before I would step foot on the island again. IT WAS WORTH THE WAIT!


Model: Roseann LawrenceHair and Makeup: Roseann LawrenceStyling: Leighton DaCostaPhotographer: Leighton DaCosta

Model: Roseann Lawrence
Hair and Makeup: Roseann Lawrence
Styling: Leighton DaCosta
Photographer: Leighton DaCosta

The second of two sessions captured on the southern coast of Jamaica, in an area known as Treasure Beach, is in the quiet parish of Saint Elizabeth, about a 2 hour drive from Montego Bay, and over 3 hours from Kingston, the capitol city. 

A 3 hour ride that Jamaican model, Roseann Lawrence (Instagram), made with her friend Roxy in order to do a session with me. I am truly honored and humbled to work with such an excellent model and person. I also want to take the time to thank her friend Roxy, who was a great sport and asset to the session while working as a lighting assistant for me. 

Model: Roseann LawrenceHair and Makeup: Roseann LawrenceStyling: Leighton DaCostaPhotographer: Leighton DaCosta

Model: Roseann Lawrence
Hair and Makeup: Roseann Lawrence
Styling: Leighton DaCosta
Photographer: Leighton DaCosta

The swimsuit bottom is from Roseann's own collection with the accessories coming from Esmena Florist & Things, located in Southfield, Saint Elizabeth, Jamaica. 


Besides getting to shoot at a great location, right on the beach, this session provided me the opportunity to do a little styling of my own. The shirt came from the Miramar, Florida based clothing boutique, Starcrush Boutique. (Instagram

A little behind the scenes and technical information. I have no issues with models bringing escorts, but I do have one rule. Everyone on the set, MUST be ready to work! Roxy was no slacker, a fast learner, and allowed me to take my light off of the stand to allow for more dynamic lighting. 

In her hand is DIFF60 soft box with a Nikon SB-800 inside set to 1/8th-1/4th power. Allowing for an ISO level between 640 and 1250, at f/7.1

Roxy pose while Roseann gets ready for her session. 

Roxy pose while Roseann gets ready for her session. 

The two lenses used for this session was the Nikon 180mm f/2.8D (black and white images) and the Nikon 105mm f/2.8 VR Micro (pictured right).

All images captured with the Nikon Df.

Roxy while working as a lighting assistant

Roxy while working as a lighting assistant
