
A Treasured Sunset

Sunset in Treasure Beach, Jamaica

Sunset in Treasure Beach, Jamaica

On a recent trip to Jamaica, I captured this beautiful sunset. There is something calming about a sunset. I have always felt that sunrises equal hope, and sunsets equal peace. I have always loved the peacefulness that comes with sunsets that not only take your breath way, but make you pause, and enjoy. 




Sunset on the Ridge

'Sunset on the Ridge'Captured w/ Nikon Dff/221/4000sISO6400 -1EV24-70mm f/2.8 Nikkor at 32mmB+W Circular Polarized Filter

'Sunset on the Ridge'
Captured w/ Nikon Df
ISO6400 -1EV
24-70mm f/2.8 Nikkor at 32mm
B+W Circular Polarized Filter

This photo was captured April 14th 2014. While everyone was waiting for the "Blood Moon," I was lucky enough to capture this beautiful sunset. The irony is that if I had waited to capture the shot of the moon, I would have missed out. The clouds started building around midnight, and while I could not see the moon itself, you could see the effects of the eclipse turn the skies dark and then back bright again. 

I know some of the photographers out there are probably wondering WTH was I thinking with that high ISO. Well... funny thing happened on the way to work that day.... lol. I was actually working on some night photography the night before, and forgot to check my ISO settings before I took the shot. It's a good thing I bracketed. 



Congrats on Your Engagement...NOW What?

Congrats on Your Engagement...NOW What?

One week into 2014, and you may have probably have already noticed the monsoon of ring shots on your social media feeds. If not, you might be the one who is posting, and if so, CONGRATULATIONS!!!
